I have got a load of Poker related links to look through and various topics covering European Poker Tour, Madrid, London, Prague and Austria.
So let's not wait any more, here are all the links:
- Ronnie 'ronni3' Kaiser Wins
European Poker Tour of 2011 - "

Ronnie 'ronni3' Kaiser Wins European Poker Tour of 2011 A lot of Ronnie Kaiser's opponents during the final table of this year's EPT kept on tempting him to fold with bluffs as he had decent to good hands" - [
PokerStars Partners with Casino Gran
Madrid - "PokerStars is planning to expand its brick-and-mortar presence with the addition of the poker room at the Casino Gran Madrid, Spain, Azar Plus has reported. Following a complete makeover that will create "a new dcor for the new era," live tournaments should start early in the new year" - [
- "Betfair Poker heads to
London for the next leg of its Live tournament series with the Aspers Casino, Stratford the venue for the $100,000 guaranteed event from 25-27 January 2013" - [
- "Jelassi heads EPT Prague Final Table" - [
- Battle of Minds in Austria - "

Following on from this year's hugely successful Prague Poker Festival, the organisers are planning a similar event in Austria next year" - [