Topic 1: Delaware
The Links:
- Delaware Picks 888 and SciGames as Primary Vendor - The Delaware Lottery has chosen a joint bid by 888 Holdings, Scientific Games and Williams Interactive as the primary vendor in its online gambling regime. The consortium of gaming companies teamed up after Delaware issued a Request for Proposals in February that allowed interested parties a little more than a month to render bids - from


Topic 2: World Series of Poker
The Links:
- PokerStars Announces $130k Rebuy Tourney in Macau - ""We are expecting over 100 players to sit down and play and one of the biggest prize pools for a poker tournament outside of the World Series of Poker ... " - said
Topic 3: Full Tilt Poker
The Links:
- Full Tilt Poker 2013 - "The only poker room that edges out Full Tilt Poker in the traffic and software department is PokerStars" - said
- Full Tilt Relaunches Affiliate Program with 50% Revenue Share for First Three Months -
The Links:
Very well that's my round-up for the week. I hope you're eager for more because there's much more where that came from the next time around! So check back before long, if you do not want to lose out on the latest captivating headlines around the world.
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